@KTzone » 日常 - 新聞時事 » 東京市中心準備迎接54年來的首度11月雪

2017-3-8 02:00 宅~有何不可

Central Tokyo bracing for first November snow in 54 years
  Central Tokyo looks set to experience its first November snowfall in 54 years, the Japan Meteorological Agency said Nov. 22.
  It last snowed at this time of year in the central part of the nation’s capital in 1962.
  The weather forecast pointed to the growing likelihood of snow falling from the evening of Nov. 23 through to the following day due to a cold air mass approaching the Kanto region.
  According to the Japan Weather Association, mountainous areas of Yamanashi and Nagano prefectures, both of which are located west of the Kanto region, can expect a covering of snow. Even in the Kanto Plain itself, which includes Tokyo, snow is expected to pile up, officials said..
  In Tokyo, the lowest temperature was forecast to hit 6 degrees on Nov. 23 and 1 degree on Nov. 24.

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