@KTzone » 日常 - 新聞時事 » 南韓女性傢庭部刪減2017年度支援前慰安婦預算

2017-2-5 10:00 宅~有何不可

The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family slashes 2017 budget for former comfort women
  The budget for the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family’s 2017 "livelihood stability and commemoration project for surviving comfort women," revealed on Sept. 5 by People’s Party lawmaker and National Assembly Gender Equality and Family Committee member Shin Yong-Hyeon, amounted to 3.039 billion won, down 1.126 billion won from 4.165 billion won this year.
  "In the press release it issued on Sept. 2 to explain the 2017 budget, the ministry didn’t include even a line of reference to this budget cut," Shin said. "You get the sense they were intent on hiding the truth."
  The ministry came under fire in June when it presented a budget reduction request of 2.866 billion won for the project. Critics said the reduction, which slashed all funding for efforts to gain UNESCO listing for archival materials related to the comfort women, appeared to have been influenced by an agreement reached by the South Korean and Japanese governments on the issue last Dec. 28.
  During a preliminary review, the Ministry of Strategy and Finance originally planned to cut the budget further to 2.627 billion won, but ended up raising it slightly to 3.039 billion won amid the growing controversy.

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