@KTzone » 日常 - 新聞時事 » 最受歡迎作曲傢票選貝多芬首次打敗莫札特

2016-7-5 22:06 宅~有何不可

Beethoven beats Mozart for first time in most popular composer poll
  Beethoven has beaten Mozart for the first time to take the title of the most popular composer in the annual poll conducted by Classic FM, with 19 places in the top 300 chart including three in the top 10 compared with Mozart’s 16 pieces.
  在英國古典音樂電臺Classic FM舉辦的票選活動中,貝多芬今年首次打敗莫札特,奪下最受歡迎作曲傢的頭銜。比起莫札特有16首樂曲擠進前300名,貝多芬以19首更勝一籌,其中還有3首名列前10名。
  The two composers have jointly been voted favorite on three previous occasions. Classic FM presenter John Suchet said: "Ever since we launched the first Classic FM Hall of Fame in 1996 Mozart has taken precedence – that is until now. I think that Beethoven’s new position as the most popular composer has to do with films such as the Oscar winning The King’s Speech, which famously used his Symphony No 7 – but his music is so universally popular, if you land on any street in any town in any country of the world, someone will know Beethoven’s work."
  The success of the new Star Wars film, The Force Awakens, has helped propel the famous John Williams theme music into its highest position, up 38 to No 44, making him the most popular living composer, although Howard Shore’s Lord of the Rings remains the single best loved film score, at No 28.

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