@KTzone » 日常 - 新聞時事 » 火山爆發後獨自存活2周的狗與主人一傢團聚

2015-10-26 22:03 宅~有何不可

Dog who survived 2 weeks alone after volcanic eruption finds family
  Jutaro, a mixed-breed male dog who was left to fend for himself when the volcano on Kuchinoerabujima island erupted on May 29, has finally been reunited with his family.
  "We were not worried over the safety of Jutaro because he is strong," said Kazuma Yasunaga, 12, whose father found their dog alive during a short trip back to the island on June 12. "But we are delighted to be with him again."
  After Mount Shindake on Kuchinoerabujima erupted, Kazuma’s father, Kiyoshi Yasunaga, a 43-year-old firefighter, released Jutaro into a field.
  Yasunaga said he chose to leave the dog behind because the priority at the time was to save people, and he feared he could not take care of him. Jutaro was reluctant to leave his side, Yasunaga said.
  Yasunaga said he encouraged the dog to leave him, telling him to "go away." As he watched Jutaro disappear into the brush, he called out to him, saying, "Stay alive one way or another," Yasunaga recalled.
  Yasunaga temporarily returned to the abandoned island on June 12 to survey roads. He was visiting his home when Jutaro approached him.

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