@KTzone » 日常 - 新聞時事 » 研究顯示,巧克力可能對心臟有益

2015-8-29 01:00 宅~有何不可

Chocolate may be good for your heart, study suggests
  Eating chocolate in modest quantities may be good for the heart, investigators said.
  Scientists in Britain looked at data from nearly 21,000 people who filled out questionnaires about their lifestyle, and had their health monitored for more than 11 years.
  Their average daily consumption was seven grams(0.25 ounces) of chocolate, ranging from none to 100g.
  The top fifth of chocolate-eaters were 12 percent less likely to develop heart disease and 23 percent less likely to suffer a stroke compared to the bottom fifth of consumers, the researchers found.
  The study, published in the British journal Heart, noted that most consumers of the confectionary ate milk chocolate, not dark chocolate which famously has a higher percentage of protective molecules called flavonoids.

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