@KTzone » 日常 - 新聞時事 » 學生為出3英鎊給她坐計程車的流浪漢募款4萬5000英鎊

2015-2-21 22:27 宅~有何不可

Student raises £45,000 for homeless man who offered her £3 for a taxi
  A university student has raised thousands of pounds for a homeless man who offered her his last £3 so she could get home safely.
  Dominique Harrison-Bentzen, who studies at the University of Central Lancashire, realised she had lost her card after a night out on December 4, when the good Samaritan stepped in.
  "After losing my bank card and having no money in the early hours, a homeless man approached me with his only change of three pounds and insisted I took it to pay for a taxi," she said.
  "I didn’t take the money but I was touched by such a kind gesture from a man who faces ignorance every day."
  She refused to take the man’s only money but was so moved by his gesture that she set up the Help Robbie fund to repay his kindness.
  The 22-year-old student has already beaten her target of raising £12,500 for the man, identified only as Robbie. She has raised £45,000.
  About the donations, Harrison-Bentzen said: "Robbie is overwhelmed and emotional about it all. He was so grateful." She said the money will be spent on securing him a flat, his first month’s rent, a food shop and furniture.

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